The Axis is a number anywhere between 0 and 180 degrees. It defines and measures the vector of astigmatism  or the orientation of it across the lens. This is a complicating factor in manufacture of the lens, as it is necessary but not sufficient know how much correction is required  you also need to know how that correction should be placed across the curvature of the lens..

The most common types of glasses   sed in optics are crown glasses  which are composites of silicon dioxide (silica), sodium oxide (soda) and calcium oxide (lime)  and flint glasses. Prior to the mid18th Century only crown glass was available. However, by 1758, flint glass, which contains lead oxide and which is denser and disperses light into a spectrum more strongly, started to become available.

The Americans were sailing with the vengeance of Drake blood and kicking arse and taking names in the Irish Sea. They would Michael Kors Outlets  ail up rivers and sack the mansions of the royalty. As a result, the insurance premium of moving a ship of food from Ireland to England rose to over half the value of the cargo on board.

Basic CeeEss is covered in EeeEee, but I'm not much of a programmer. I can encode and even decrypt, but this is beyond my purview. " ECOs, skilled as they are with electronic warfare, do things somewhat differently than hackers and cryptologists. "Seein' that there still might be a mole in CIC, I'd like a second opinion, so to speak. " A bit suspiciously, Kal peers at Sawyer, but he ultimately does check the top drawer.

Ever tried to use your laptop in bed or maybe lying out on a blanket on the grass or a sandy beach? With nothing to use to prop yourself up this can be a very uncomfortable way to write that blog on your laptop. Try sitting up without any back support and you'll soon get to feel a back ache starting. Best pack the laptop away and write that blog later.

A ball is a very important component of youth football equipment and football training equipment. The must be spherical and have an outer casing of leather or other material approved by the International Board. Nothing may be used in its construction that could prove dangerous to players.

Two days ago, I learned that my grandson, age 5, living in Westchester, NY, had been diagnosed with Scarlet Fever. I was shocked. How was that possible? Hadn't Scarlet Fever been eradicated? What does one do for this scarysounding illness? My daughter calmly shared that Scarlet Fever is essentially a Strep virus with a rash and while highly contagious and quite uncomfortable, it is easily treated with antibiotics.

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